
mexican black bean and farro salad

Recipe: Mexican Black Bean and Farro Salad

This black bean and farro salad is a great meatless, high protein salad that can even be used as the main course on your dining table.  Don’t skimp on the dressing though. That’s the key component that brings all the flavors together. My kids devoured this recipe which left me empty-handed for any leftovers.  I suggest making a double portion!

6 common questions about lactoferrin

The Answers to 6 Common Questions About Lactoferrin

What Exactly Is Lactoferrin?

Lactoferrin is an immune-supporting protein found in human milk, cow milk, and other fluids in the human body. When a baby is first born, the initial breastfeeding fluid is called colostrum. This colostrum contains up to seven times the amount of lactoferrin than what is found in the breast milk later on. Wowza! [1. “Lactoferrin”,, last accessed July 16, 2018. What is Lactoferrin?] A huge boost of immune support is given to the newborn breastfeeding baby. And as the mom continues to breastfeed, thebreast milk antibodies keep coming!

How To Evaluate A Child’s Probiotic: Digestive Advantage Probiotic Gummies

Probiotics for kids abound in our grocery store shelves and foods today. We are finally waking up to the importance of our gut health, and the food industry and supplement manufacturers are happy to respond with childs probiotic products.

Are all probiotic products for kids the same? Certainly not, or there would not be so many of them.

If they’re not all the same, are they all effective? Unfortunately, no. This is where you need to do your research.

How do you evaluate a probiotic that you might want to use with your kids? ...

Ground Rules for good eating

Our Family’s Ground Rules for Good Eating

Good eating habits don’t happen by accident. In fact, when young children are left to choose food for themselves, the choices will always be high in sugar, fat or salt. Good eating habits must be taught from a young age if they are to stick when they’re teenagers.

All children will naturally become what we label as “picky eaters” if they are not taught otherwise. Don’t all young toddlers refuse veggies at some point? What will you do when your new eater attempts to do the same thing?

Parenting Tips for Transforming Picky Eaters

Parenting Tips for Transforming Picky Eaters

I spoke with yet another parent about their picky eater and their growing digestion problems. In fact, I often speak with parents of picky eaters, because these kids commonly have health issues that simply don’t go away.

The only way to turn around your picky eater’s health challenges, is to first turn around their eating habits. Transforming picky eaters is no small task, I assure you.

Is it worth the challenge to get your child to eat healthier?
You bet!
Is it worth the challenge to help your child try new foods?
No doubt! Lifelong benefits await!

causes of teen acne

The Four Underlying Causes of Teen Acne

In order to find an effective long-term solution to teen acne, it’s important to understand the underlying cause of it. As you’ll see, the causes of teen acne can vary based on person and stage of life. What may cause your teenager acne right now, may not be what will cause it in the future. Seasons can change. Our body’s needs can change as well. ...

five stomach soothing herbal remedies for kids

Five Stomach Soothing Herbal Remedies For Kids

Tummy aches and nausea happen quite often in childhood. That’s a fact. Kids are presented with a lot of junk food, candy-coated options now a days. Combine those options with very little self control, and you can end up with a big stomach ache. Stomach soothing herbal remedies can be your child’s quick ticket back to the land of peace! ...

calvin and hobbes cows milk

Kids Drinking Cow’s Milk–Should We Be Concerned?

When you ask parents where their kids are getting their calcium and vitamin-D, you almost always will get “cow’s milk” as an answer.  Thanks to marketing and advertising over the years, most parents believe that this is the best way for their kids to get these nutrients.  “They must drink milk every day to be healthy.”  That’s what a lot of folks believe.

But are parents in the western world depending too much on this food product? ...