
Responding to LGBTQ+ Questions

Thank you for being courageous enough to share your reaction to my term “broken people.” It seems we’re living in a time when the virtue of respectfully disagreeing with others while maintaining basic human etiquette has fallen to the vices …

fog of obedience

The Fog of Obedience

I’m sure you’ve heard of the fog of war, but have you ever experienced the fog of obedience? For twenty years Jacob worked for his conniving uncle, Laban. As the relationship deteriorated, God spoke: “Go back to the land of your fathers and …

Youth ministry and zoom

Can Anything Good Come from Nazareth?

“Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?” To say that Nathanael’s snap response to Philip dripped with sarcasm is an understatement. Hear the word again, “NAAZ-a-reth?!” Underneath the printed words of John 1:46, I hear, “Are you kidding me? That …

Natural Solutions for Autism and ADHD

Autism and ADHD Without Medication

Autism and ADHD have both been on the rise in the U.S. over the last 30 years. The current approaches to modify behavior have NOT eliminated this epidemic among our kids. We need to seek out and address the main …

vegan tomato basil soup

Vegan Tomato Basil Soup

Homemade tomato soup is one of those comfort foods that we love in our home. Making a fresh vegan tomato basil soup is actually much easier than you might think! Then pair it with a wonderful grilled cheese sandwich, and your kids will love you. 🙂

alfalfa benefits

Alfalfa Benefits And How To Give To Kids

Alfalfa is more than just a food for cattle.  Indeed, the health benefits of alfalfa have been used around the world for almost 1500 years.  It has long been used as an herbal remedy for numerous ailments and illnesses.

We personally use an organic alfalfa formulation that has been around for over 50 years.  It is made with a little bit of spearmint, which gives it a yummy taste when crushed or made into a tea. [view Alfalfa product page]

I suppose you could go out and ...