Slaying the Supplement Myths

Dr. Chaney’s Sequel: Slaying The Supplement Myths

Last week, I did a review of Dr. Steve Chaney’s first book that came out last year: Slaying the Food Myths. If you missed that, I encourage you to go back and check it out. This second book followed soon after. It focuses on the food supplement myths that are being perpetuated by both vitamin companies and individuals on the internet.

Proper nutrition is key to our optimal health, healing and prevention. However, if consumers are confused about what’s beneficial and what’s not, excellent health will be hard to come by.

Slaying the food myths

A Book Every Parent Needs: Slaying The Food Myths

Nutrition today has become so confusing. It’s quite sad and unfortunate that parents have to weed through a forest of conflicting messages today to discover the truth about certain foods and their benefits to a healthy lifestyle. Food myths abound on the internet, where everyone is an expert regardless of their educational background.

The internet has become a world where “click bait” drives the traffic, and the real truths about food and nutrition get left on the wayside. I know people who are avoiding certain foods–like soy protein–that could actually help them because of a myth perpetuated on the internet. On the other hand, I know people indulging in certain foods with unproven health benefits that are actually causing them harm. It makes me angry sometimes.

How To Evaluate A Child’s Probiotic: Digestive Advantage Probiotic Gummies

Probiotics for kids abound in our grocery store shelves and foods today. We are finally waking up to the importance of our gut health, and the food industry and supplement manufacturers are happy to respond with childs probiotic products.

Are all probiotic products for kids the same? Certainly not, or there would not be so many of them.

If they’re not all the same, are they all effective? Unfortunately, no. This is where you need to do your research.

How do you evaluate a probiotic that you might want to use with your kids? (more…)

Soy Isolate Done Right featured image

Soy Isolate Done Right Part 4: Why Most Soy Companies Fall Silent

When I decided to do this series on soy protein processing methods, calling soy companies and manufacturers became a natural response.  I wanted to see for myself–and to show others–what processing methods other companies were using.  Did soy companies even know where their soy protein was coming from and how it was processed?

For this series I chose to compare only those companies selling a soy isolate powder.  (more…)

stress relief and the single product that saved our year

Stress Relief And The Single Product That Saved Our Year


On the positive side, stress can help you accomplish amazing things or meet important deadlines. Leap tall buildings in a single bound…almost.

But too much of it, and we begin to feel overwhelmed…agitated…and frustrated.

We’ve all been on both sides of it.

But what do you do when you feel over-stressed? What is your personal stress-relief program?

This past year for us felt as though someone backed up a truckload of stress and dumped it heavy on our heads. (more…)

Product Review Rubys Rockets

Product Review: Ruby’s Rockets Fruit And Vegetable Pops

“Mom, does popsicle mean sugar?” my inquisitive 5-year old son asked as he was eating one of Ruby’s Rockets popsicles.

I smiled and said, “No, not anymore.”

What kid doesn’t love frozen treats? I want to be able to purchase fun summer snacks for my kids, but trying to square my healthy-eating convictions with what I saw in the freezer case was always a challenge…until now.

I stumbled upon these new popsicles at Sprouts Farmers Market last week. (Ok, maybe “stumbled upon” is a poor description. I was carefully scrutinizing the nutrition labels of ALL the popsicles in the case, almost convinced I wasn’t going to find anything with less than 100% sugar calories.)

Is the Kefir Craze Worth Its weight in probiotics?

Is The Kefir Craze Worth Its Weight In Probiotics?

There has been a growing awareness in recent years that probiotics are important for good health.  Kefir is one of those probiotic-friendly products that has a growing following in this health movement.

The facts show that kefir indeed provides large numbers of friendly gut bacteria, but is the kefir craze really worth its weight in beneficial probiotics?

Here are the facts about kefir’s probiotic impact. (more…)