Slaying the food myths

A Book Every Parent Needs: Slaying The Food Myths

Nutrition today has become so confusing. It’s quite sad and unfortunate that parents have to weed through a forest of conflicting messages today to discover the truth about certain foods and their benefits to a healthy lifestyle. Food myths abound on the internet, where everyone is an expert regardless of their educational background.

The internet has become a world where “click bait” drives the traffic, and the real truths about food and nutrition get left on the wayside. I know people who are avoiding certain foods–like soy protein–that could actually help them because of a myth perpetuated on the internet. On the other hand, I know people indulging in certain foods with unproven health benefits that are actually causing them harm. It makes me angry sometimes.

protecting our kids from food technology

Protecting Your Kids From The Latest Advances in Food Technology

Alas, a new food technology has come on the scene and is awakening the debate about GMO’s. No surprise there.

The newest advance has to do with improvements in global food transport and lengthening the shelf life of produce. Fresh fruits and veggies can now have a longer shelf life due to a special coating that prevents browning. That’s the short version of how the Apeel technology actually works

Ground Rules for good eating

Our Family’s Ground Rules for Good Eating

Good eating habits don’t happen by accident. In fact, when young children are left to choose food for themselves, the choices will always be high in sugar, fat or salt. Good eating habits must be taught from a young age if they are to stick when they’re teenagers.

All children will naturally become what we label as “picky eaters” if they are not taught otherwise. Don’t all young toddlers refuse veggies at some point? What will you do when your new eater attempts to do the same thing?

Parenting Tips for Transforming Picky Eaters

Parenting Tips for Transforming Picky Eaters

I spoke with yet another parent about their picky eater and their growing digestion problems. In fact, I often speak with parents of picky eaters, because these kids commonly have health issues that simply don’t go away.

The only way to turn around your picky eater’s health challenges, is to first turn around their eating habits. Transforming picky eaters is no small task, I assure you.

Is it worth the challenge to get your child to eat healthier?
You bet!
Is it worth the challenge to help your child try new foods?
No doubt! Lifelong benefits await!

calvin and hobbes cows milk

Kids Drinking Cow’s Milk–Should We Be Concerned?

When you ask parents where their kids are getting their calcium and vitamin-D, you almost always will get “cow’s milk” as an answer.  Thanks to marketing and advertising over the years, most parents believe that this is the best way for their kids to get these nutrients.  “They must drink milk every day to be healthy.”  That’s what a lot of folks believe.

But are parents in the western world depending too much on this food product? (more…)

bake with shaklee protein

How To Bake With Shaklee Protein

We supplement daily with Shaklee protein for numerous reasons, including added energy, avoidance of mid-day blood sugar drops, their high quality standards, and all the proven health benefits of soy. I have also grown to love the versatility and variety of the Shaklee protein line. They have several different types of protein–some with or without natural sweeteners and flavors. This variety makes them easy to add to your baking recipes or shakes. (more…)

Top ten nutrition remedies for learning challenges

Top Ten Nutrition Remedies For Learning Challenges

An inordinate amount of kids today struggle with learning challenges. ADD, ADHD, and Autism have all been on the rise in the last few decades.  While medication still remains the most common prescription, it comes with a bunch of unwanted side effects and tends to make the problem worse in the long run.

The great news is that nutrition remedies for learning challenges can prove very successful.  And these only come with side benefits!  There are many things you can do at home for your child that can aid their learning this year. Try some or all of the ideas below. (more…)

Soy Isolate Done Right featured image

Soy Isolate Done Right Part 4: Why Most Soy Companies Fall Silent

When I decided to do this series on soy protein processing methods, calling soy companies and manufacturers became a natural response.  I wanted to see for myself–and to show others–what processing methods other companies were using.  Did soy companies even know where their soy protein was coming from and how it was processed?

For this series I chose to compare only those companies selling a soy isolate powder.  (more…)