A Book Every Parent Needs: Slaying The Food Myths

Published by Bonnie on

Nutrition today has become so confusing. It’s quite sad and unfortunate that parents have to weed through a forest of conflicting messages today to discover the truth about certain foods and their benefits to a healthy lifestyle. Food myths abound on the internet, where everyone is an expert regardless of their educational background.

The internet has become a world where “click bait” drives the traffic, and the real truths about food and nutrition get left on the wayside. I know people who are avoiding certain foods–like soy protein–that could actually help them because of a myth perpetuated on the internet. On the other hand, I know people indulging in certain foods with unproven health benefits that are actually causing them harm. It makes me angry sometimes.

This is why I love Dr. Chaney’s book that came out last year, “Slaying the Food Myths: The Truth Behind the Headlines.” Finally! Someone with a reputable background in nutrition, science and biochemistry has emerged who can set the record straight for us. Once you read Dr. Chaney’s Bio, you will know that he is a real expert in the field of nutrition science.

Three Things I Like About The Book

1. Though the book is packed with summaries of scientific studies, it’s written in language that a non-science person–like me–can understand. The information is accessible to anyone regardless of education background. Thank you, Dr. Chaney, for writing to my level!
2. I love the way the book is laid out. It has a wonderfully specific table of contents, so that you don’t even have to read it cover-to-cover. You can jump around to subjects and sections that interest you most and clearly find what you’re looking for.
3. The book addresses current and relevant issues in the food/nutrition world. There is something for everyone in this book! Here are a few examples of topics you’ll find inside.

  • “Where do food myths come from?”
  • “Sugar Silliness”
  • “Coconut Oil Confusion”
  • Non-GMO vs. Organic: What’s the Difference?
  • A whole section on evaluating different diets & Finding the right diet for you

We need to be supporting the non-biased, science-based voices like Dr. Chaney. I’m so thankful that he is sharing his expertise with all of us! You can find Dr. Chaney’s book on Amazon or purchase directly from his website. You’ll also see his second book that I’ll be talking about next week!

What Food Myths Have You Wondered About?

Comment below if there’s a food fact you’ve been questioning! Maybe I can help point you to some factual information.


Bonnie Hershey currently serves as a business and nutrition coach with their business, Hershey Holistic Health. She holds an undergrad degree in education, and a certification in Practical Nutrition from the Northwest Academy of Practical Nutrition. She has over 20 years of leadership experience and enjoys encouraging others in their personal growth.


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