alfalfa benefits

Alfalfa Benefits And How To Give To Kids

Alfalfa is more than just a food for cattle.  Indeed, the health benefits of alfalfa have been used around the world for almost 1500 years.  It has long been used as an herbal remedy for numerous ailments and illnesses.

We personally use an organic alfalfa formulation that has been around for over 50 years.  It is made with a little bit of spearmint, which gives it a yummy taste when crushed or made into a tea. [view Alfalfa product page]

I suppose you could go out and (more…)

no fear and COVID clear

No Fear and COVID Clear: Five Tips for Helping Children Thrive During Quarantine

It was eerily quiet. 

No music pouring through the huge flat screen TVs. No kids running around parents’ shopping carts. Even the number of patrons was carefully monitored by the masked gatekeepers. All that could be heard was the shuffle of shoes on the concrete isles of Costco. 

Everyone kept their safe six-feet distance, and nobody talked. Except for the guy who checked us out, but even that was through a plexi-glass barrier. Weird. (more…)

Set Up Successful Candida Cleanse for Teens

Set Up A Successful 30-Day Candida Cleanse for Teens

While a candida cleanse and gut bacteria reset can be beneficial for everyone, it can be a daunting endeavor.  It is not for the faint of heart. Most folks won’t even attempt this unless there is a strong felt need. 

The typical American diet and overuse of prescription antibiotics create a breeding ground for candida albicans. It’s not hard to discover if your teenager might have this issue going (more…)

Slaying the Supplement Myths

Dr. Chaney’s Sequel: Slaying The Supplement Myths

Last week, I did a review of Dr. Steve Chaney’s first book that came out last year: Slaying the Food Myths. If you missed that, I encourage you to go back and check it out. This second book followed soon after. It focuses on the food supplement myths that are being perpetuated by both vitamin companies and individuals on the internet.

Proper nutrition is key to our optimal health, healing and prevention. However, if consumers are confused about what’s beneficial and what’s not, excellent health will be hard to come by.