No Fear and COVID Clear: Five Tips for Helping Children Thrive During Quarantine
It was eerily quiet.
No music pouring through the huge flat screen TVs. No kids running around parents’ shopping carts. Even the number of patrons was carefully monitored by the masked gatekeepers. All that could be heard was the shuffle of shoes on the concrete isles of Costco.
Everyone kept their safe six-feet distance, and nobody talked. Except for the guy who checked us out, but even that was through a plexi-glass barrier. Weird.
Clearly COVID-19 has caused a heightened awareness on where we go, what we touch, and how often we wash our hands. While these defensive measures are great, the reality is we’re not able to protect against all disease all the time.
Not to mention, masks can be a little frightening for children!
So how can we empower our children to live without fear while remaining COVID clear?

Five Tips for Empowering Your Children to Thrive During Quarantine
1. Daily: Maintain Structure.
Even though our kids are out of school and doing remote learning, we treat each weekday night as a school night. We put them to bed at a responsible time. We wake them up at their normal times, and we eat breakfast together – after they have dressed themselves for the day. These daily rhythms provide children with a sense of normalcy in a world that has all but lost it. If you work outside the home, consider checking in with them twice a day to assure them everything is okay.
2. Financially: Purchase Nutritious Foods.
While it’s tempting to snack on junk food throughout the day, we are extra careful during this season to make wise choices with the foods we have in-house. Afterall, it’s hard to eat crappy foods if they never make it through the check-out line at the store! A poor diet opens the body up to disease. Simply by monitoring what you put in your cart–to shop and eat healthy–can make a huge difference.
3. Nutritionally: Stock Up on Bullet-Proof Supplements.
In addition to a good diet, we also stock our shelves with bullet-proof nutritional supplements designed to fortify their immune systems. Unfortunately, good diet alone isn’t enough to give our bodies all the nutrients needed for optimal health. The best defense is a great offense.
We don’t sit back and wait for illness to come to us; we get out ahead of germs by beating them before they beat us. Trust us; it works! Our kids have never come down with the flu or tummy bug. They’ve never thrown up or had diarrhea. But beware! We urge our readers to exercise caution when purchasing vitamin supplements. Not all vitamins are created equal! Do your research. Get quality products. Spend a little extra. You will thank yourself later.
4. Physically: Play Outdoors Everyday.
We limit our kids’ screen time and encourage them to play outside regularly and often. Yes, this often creates conflict, and we get called a “Karen” and a “Kevin,” but it’s a battle we’re willing to fight. Even when the weather is bad, you can at least workout inside. The daily rhythm of exercise does wonders to improve not only core energy but also mental health! There are all kinds of great videos on YouTube. Just search for “home workout for kids.” Here’s one that’s fun and upbeat!
5. Socially: Stay Connected.
We encourage our kids to remain connected to friends, teachers, and relatives. Thanks to some amazing technology, maintaining a healthy social life is possible even in an era of social distancing. As parents we regularly ask our children how they are handling the loss of sports seasons, early end of school, and being locked up with us all day! We’ve found it helpful to plan something to look forward to each day to help our kids stay motivated and focused–even if it’s just a fun dinner or time around a campfire.

COVID Clear and Without Fear
Sure the virus has disrupted our routine, but we’re learning how to be resilient in the face of a world pandemic.
Use this time to make the key changes in the life of your children. Leverage your influence to propel them to future success. We believe in you!
There you have it! These 5 simple tips for empowering your children to thrive even while in quarantine will allow them to live without fear and remain COVID clear.
What Do You Think?
What’s been successful for your family’s physical, emotional, or social health during this crisis? How are you helping your children to not live in fear? What proactive steps have you taken to build into your child’s health and wellness?
Let us hear from you in the comments below!
Featured Image photo credit: Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash