Product Review: Ruby’s Rockets Fruit And Vegetable Pops

Published by Bonnie on

“Mom, does popsicle mean sugar?” my inquisitive 5-year old son asked as he was eating one of Ruby’s Rockets popsicles.

I smiled and said, “No, not anymore.”

What kid doesn’t love frozen treats? I want to be able to purchase fun summer snacks for my kids, but trying to square my healthy-eating convictions with what I saw in the freezer case was always a challenge…until now.

I stumbled upon these new popsicles at Sprouts Farmers Market last week. (Ok, maybe “stumbled upon” is a poor description. I was carefully scrutinizing the nutrition labels of ALL the popsicles in the case, almost convinced I wasn’t going to find anything with less than 100% sugar calories.)

Rubys Rockets greenWhen I first picked up a box of Ruby’s Rockets and read the nutrition label, I thought I had surely read it wrong. But, nope, my eyes have not failed me yet. Only 4 grams of sugar per serving? I had to give them a try.

Even as I went home, I was hoping that my kids would like the flavor–being that there were vegetables present as well. I decided to let them try the new pops without letting them see the box. I even captured the first try on video!

Our Nutrition Take On Ruby’s Rockets

In these pops, you’ll find zero artificial colors or flavors, zero added sugar and some real fruits and vegetables. My favorite part is the sugar piece, because other popsicles typically have 100% of their calories coming just from sugar, added or not.

So, even though these pops are no substitute for your child’s servings of real fruit and vegetables for the day, at least they are getting less sugar while enjoying a frozen treat.

Rubys Rockets Nutrition Facts

The ingredients also include a new strain of probiotics (Bacillus coagulans GBI-30 6086, to be exact). So if you’re into wanting more foods with probiotics, you’ll like that piece of it. I can’t speak much for this specific probiotic strain, because I don’t know that much about it. Even though it is manufactured by a relatively new company, founded in 1997, they seem to have some published clinical studies on this strain and its benefits.[1. Vocus PRW Holdings, LLC. “New Study Catalogues Evidence for Probiotic, Bacillus coagulans.” (Last accessed on March 27, 2014.)]

Though I wouldn’t use these pops to guarantee your child’s gut health, it’s a nice effort on the part of the company to provide some extra health benefits.

Where To Find Them

I found them at Sprouts Farmers Market, though you can also look online for locations near you (though not all the stores will show up–my stores did not even come up on the map yet). If no store is close to you, you can also order them online or talk to your local grocery store about getting them in.


Bonnie Hershey currently serves as a business and nutrition coach with their business, Hershey Holistic Health. She holds an undergrad degree in education, and a certification in Practical Nutrition from the Northwest Academy of Practical Nutrition. She has over 20 years of leadership experience and enjoys encouraging others in their personal growth.


Ruby Rocket's Frozen Fruit and Veggie Pops · April 1, 2014 at 12:58 pm

Thanks for the wonderful post! Ruby Rocket’s Frozen Fruit and Veggie Pops are also available in other grocery stores throughout Texas including: Fiesta Mart, United Market Street, and all Central Market stores!

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · April 1, 2014 at 1:02 pm

    Wonderful, Dina! Thanks for the update on locations!

Joy Bouget · June 10, 2015 at 7:12 pm

What about the “natural flavor” listed in the ingredients? That usually means MSG

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · July 9, 2015 at 6:41 am

    Hi Joy. Great question. I don’t believe that “natural flavor” means MSG in every case. I think it’s a bit more complicated than that. According to this news article it seems that the term “natural flavoring” can be used to reference a whole host of flavoring components. In the end, if you’re concerned about what may be in a product with “natural flavorings”, then it’s always best to make your own from scratch. That’s my mantra anyway. Great question though, Joy!

Arlene · March 13, 2016 at 9:51 pm

I received a Ruby Rocket in a snack box from Love with Food. I tasted it.. yuck… “sickly sweet glop” . I googled it and it looks like maybe it was supposed to be frozen. The packet didn’t say so. Maybe it should…

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