
Punished for Doing Right?

Ever feel like you can’t get anything right?

I thought of this question again when I read how one father’s afternoon went recently. He was taking his young son to feed the ducks at a nearby lake. In typical toddler zeal, his boy raced out of the family’s 2006 Jeep Commander as soon as it came to “rest”. Unknown to the lad, he was dashing straight towards a 35′ cliff. In desperation, the father fled the vehicle, rescuing his boy just feet from the edge.

So far, this dad’s 2 for 2 in my book. Not only was he spending time with his son, but he also showed fatherly care by saving his boy from injury. ...

How Do You Define Success?

You can learn a lot about a guy by the way he defines success. It telegraphs his values, priorities, and entire approach to his work. Consequently, it is important that ministry leaders clearly define what they mean by “success.”

I have long reflected on precisely how to define this elusive concept. I’ll spare you the journey and cut to the end of the matter: I believe success in ministry is…faithfulness. ...

The Path Less Traveled Sparks Ongoing Debate

Why the Ten Commandments can’t be cut to six | Fox News.

Lauren Green, FoxNews Contributor

So this news piece by Lauren Green caught my eye. The thesis of her article concerning a U.S. District Judge’s attempt to resolve a dispute between the ACLU and the Giles Country, Viginia School District by eliminating the first four Commandments is to explain how doing so ultimately empties the last six of their authoritative value. In other words, the Judge’s suggestion will not work. Ms Green is arguing that the 10 Commandments must be taken as a whole and must not be separated for diplomatic expediency. She makes a great point.

Certainly God knew this when he inspired Moses to write them down on stone tablets. ...

None So Blind

Christian Teens Say Gay Activist Made Girls Cry | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes.

Dan Savage, Founder of the “It Gets Better” Project

This news story has arrested my attention this week. It is about a national journalism conference for high school-aged teens in Seattle hosted by  National Scholastic Press Association and the Journalism Education Association. The hosts invited anti-bullying speaker Dan Savage as the keynote speak for their conference.

Savage is the founder of the “It Gets Better” Project, a resource created “to show young LGBT people the levels of happiness, potential, and positivity their lives will reach – if they can just get through their teen years.” In colorfully inappropriate language, Savage voices his contempt for the Bible’s position on homosexuality, slavery, virginity, menstruation, masturbation, and shellfish, among other things. Towards the end of the clip below, Mr Savage reveals where the real tension lies: “I have a right to defend myself and to point out the hypocrisy of people who justify anti-gay bigotry by pointing to the Bible….”


What if Jesus had Never Come…

The Christmas season is in full-swing, and yet a pause is necessary to the hustle and bustle.  What if Jesus had never come to the manger in Bethlehem?  Why is his coming so significant? If He had never come, He …

The Kindergarten Evolution

Sunday night: In a nervous, quivering voice, “I don’t want to go to school…Is it gonna take long?” Monday night: With large tears and weeping, “I don’t want to go back to school tomorrow. It takes too long… I just …

sunrise over water

A Reminiscent Longing For Slowness

Get off the hamster wheel for a moment, and take a trip with me down memory lane. Start with a breathtaking sunrise just over the rooftops–red, gold, purple, and pinks all mixing together and changing as you watch. Feel the …

The Lure of Comfort

I read recently that “it is estimated that only five percent of those who say they have received a ‘call to missions’ actually make it to the mission field. The other ninety-five percent get sidetracked in some way” (Re-Entry, by …

Riding The Roller Coaster

I have a lot of experience with roller coasters. When I was in high school, several friends and I had season passes to Six Flags. That was the bomb! I remember many late afternoons heading over to the park to …