Riding The Roller Coaster
I have a lot of experience with roller coasters. When I was in high school, several friends and I had season passes to Six Flags. That was the bomb! I remember many late afternoons heading over to the park to take advantage of the hour before closing–that was the best time to ride. While everyone headed for the gate, us crazy season-pass holders were just coming in. Then we would spend the next hour or two just riding the roughest, toughest roller coasters over and over and over…and over. And the best part? Not having to wait in line.
Waiting in line is definitely the hardest part about enjoying the roller coaster–at least it is for me. I can take the long uphill climb of the Scream Machine and even the loops of the Mind Bender, but waiting in line requires a huge test of patience, perseverance, and commitment. The longer I waited, the more antsy I got.
And as I have walked the road of faith and life, roller coasters and line-waiting are still there but they have taken on different forms. I currently find myself riding two at the same time–Try building a ride like that, Six Flags! The ups and downs are no less exciting, and my faith continues to be stretched to new lengths. Some days, I actually have butterflies in my stomach from all that is going on in our life right now. All in all, I actually enjoy the ride–the thrill, the adrenaline, the stomach dropping out. It’s the waiting in line that I’d like to avoid…but unfortunately, a time of waiting always precedes the biggest and the baddest of rides. And God’s coasters are certainly worth any wait!