Product Review: Shaklee Meal Shakes for Kids

Published by Bonnie on

Our family stays active, we love to travel, and our schedule often gets busy.  As a result, some of our meal and snack times need to be quick, yet we don’t want to punt our healthy-eating values out the window.

Seven years ago, we discovered Shaklee’s Meal Shakes for kids.  With 100% natural ingredients, a company-wide quality standard that surpasses “organic” (if you can believe that), and a 100% money-back guarantee, we had no hesitation trying it with our kids.

My only concern at first was, “Will our kids like the taste and texture of a protein shake?” I can still remember the morning I blended up our first one.  We first tried the Bavarian Cocoa flavor, and I blended it with milk and ice cubes.

My husband and I tried it first, like good guinea-pig parents.  After a generous sip, we gave each other this look like, “wow! That is really yummy, and I’m going to have to fight you for more of it!”  Well, our daughter sucked it down to the last drop, and every one of our kids after that.  It’s become a staple in our kitchen (and in our travel bags) for quick breakfasts or after-school snacks.

Product Highlights

  • Largest Milk-Based Protein Source.  When the meal shake is mixed with 1 cup of 2% milk, it delivers a whopping 15 grams of protein!  From the other kids’ protein shakes we’ve seen, this amount can’t be beat.  The protein in the Shaklee Meal Shakes is also completely from nonfat dry milk.  You’ll notice in our comparison chart that the others have various sources of protein, some that not all parents would be ok giving to their kids.
  • Absolutely No Artificial Ingredients.  Gotta love this part, if you’re trying to be as natural as possible and still have a quick made-for-you option.  No surprises.
  • No Synthetic Vitamin Forms.  Shaklee even goes a step further and makes sure that all the vitamin forms (which is a company-wide standard as well) in the Meal Shakes are not synthetic.  Did you know that not all vitamins are derived from a natural food source?  Sad, but true.  No worries with this product though!  Every single vitamin and mineral listed is completely safe and bioavailable to the body.  I especially love the amount of Iron (as ferrous fumarate) in the Meal Shakes.  Many doctors don’t like their patients having sulfates, because there can be side-effects, and Shaklee’s iron form is always the ferrous fumarate (from a natural food source).
  • 100% Money-Back Guarantee.  As a consumer who always likes to get my money’s worth, I appreciate this option. Even more than that, I like what it communicates about the company’s view of it’s products.  It’s rare to find this strong of a guarantee on a natural health product…let alone on every single one of the products in their catalogue.

A Comparison of Protein/Meal Shakes for Kids

(click on image to enlarge)

Comparison of Meal/Protein Shakes for Kids

Our Recommendation:  Two Thumbs Up

We believe this is a “must try” product, if you are in the market for a healthy fast-food option for your kids.  Or perhaps you are just looking to get your kids some extra protein each day.  Either way, we love the taste of these meal shakes for kids and the versatility of being able to use them in different ways.

Shaklee Meal Shakes for Kids

Shaklee Meal Shakes come in two flavor options: Bavarian Cocoa and French Vanilla.  They have 16 servings per can, and can be purchased online and shipped directly to any address in Canada and the United States*.

Shop Now for Meal Shakes Here.

*If you are living outside the US or Canada and would still like access to this product, please contact us and we can help you!


Bonnie Hershey currently serves as a business and nutrition coach with their business, Hershey Holistic Health. She holds an undergrad degree in education, and a certification in Practical Nutrition from the Northwest Academy of Practical Nutrition. She has over 20 years of leadership experience and enjoys encouraging others in their personal growth.


Alex · June 6, 2013 at 2:22 am

Sorry just need some advise

how you make the Shaklee Mealshake drink

just mix with warm water or cold water ?

    Bonnie (site owner) · June 6, 2013 at 7:31 am

    Hi Alex, We make the shake by mixing with 2% milk or soy milk. I don’t suggest mixing with water, as your kids may not drink it that way and you lose some of the necessary calories. The most tasty way to make it to mix it in a blender with milk and ice! Yum!

Izni Abd Malek · August 13, 2013 at 7:28 am

Hi! I have tried this product.very delicious and yummy!

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · August 16, 2013 at 11:37 am

    Thanks for the positive comment, Izni!

nazra · September 27, 2013 at 11:19 pm

me & my 22 months old kids just love it!

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · September 28, 2013 at 9:58 am

    Yes! What’s not to love, Nazra? 🙂

Ley · October 20, 2013 at 12:43 pm

How much Shaklee mealshake or how many grams per day should I give to my three years old ?

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · October 20, 2013 at 6:31 pm

    Hi Ley. You can mix a regular serving size as mentioned on the can (1/4 cup of powder) for your 3 yr old.

Katie · December 6, 2013 at 12:41 pm

hi !
i heard of these shaklee shakes. I was hoping to get in touch can older kids drink it?

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · December 6, 2013 at 1:09 pm

    Yes, Katie, any age can drink these. Each serving provides between 240-330 calories, depending on how you mix it. So, that is the only thing to keep in mind–the calorie needs of the person taking it. I drink a small one for a snack sometimes too. 😉

mary · December 7, 2013 at 11:35 pm

Hello, I just received my .shaklee. meal shakes can I mix with orange juice for my four year old son?

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · December 8, 2013 at 9:29 pm

    Hi Mary, yes, you could certainly mix the vanilla flavored one with orange juice, or make a smoothie out of it. Happy mixing!

fizza · December 17, 2013 at 12:30 am

hai bonnie.. my daughter is allergic to cow’s milk.. is shaklee meal shakes contained cow’s milk?

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · December 17, 2013 at 8:45 pm

    Yes, the Shaklee meal shakes do contain nonfat dry milk as the main protein. However, Shaklee also offers protein shakes that are soy based as well.

agnes · February 19, 2014 at 3:26 am

Can give this milk shake to baby below 1 yrs old?

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · February 19, 2014 at 8:51 am

    Hi Agnes. It is safe to give at any age, however, it is not fortified specifically as an infant formula. You can make your own infant formula using Shaklee’s Vanilla Meal shake and products as follows: 2 tablespoons vanilla meal shake, 1 GLA, 1 lecithin, 1/2 teaspoon Liqui-Lea, and 10 1/2 ounces water. Another mom is using this with her 3-month old daughter, and I believe this recipe comes from Dr. Richard Brouse.(?)

visha · February 25, 2014 at 11:24 pm

hi Bonni, need your advise. my son (2 years old) is very fusee to eat. and doctor said he less vitamin and it caused dry skin & sm other problems. my fren suggested the shaklee for supplement. understand that shaklee milk should blend with ice. my que, if give cold milk shaklee is he wont get flue / fever?

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · February 26, 2014 at 8:16 am

    Hi Visha. Yes, picky eaters do tend to have more numerous health issues. The meal shakes would be a great supplement for him. I’ve never heard of cold milk causing flu or fever. Though you can serve this anyway you like. It does not have to be blended with ice. That is just the way we like it best. It can be given as a warm chocolatey drink as well.

Lynda · March 19, 2014 at 3:55 am

Hi Bonnie, seek your kind advise. My daughter is 1 year 6month.
She is very picky eaters. Maybe u can advise me which product of shaklee is good for her.. 1 of my friend suggest me to try Shaklee vanilla milk shake..She is really fusee to eat especially in the morning, i mean when everytime taking her breakfast.


    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · March 19, 2014 at 9:18 am

    Hi Lynda, Yes. I would definitely try the Shaklee Meal Shakes with her. It is a great healthy meal substitute and fortified with extra vitamins/minerals and fiber. It also has a natural sweetness to it, so kids usually really love drinking them. Let me know how it goes!

ann · April 3, 2014 at 2:40 am

Hi Bonnie. My 1 year 5 months old girl is passing very hard stools since she was 9 months old. I heard from friend giving Meal Shake helps. What is your recommendation? Thanks

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · April 3, 2014 at 8:53 am

    Hi Ann,
    Yes, the meal shakes can help, as they have extra fiber in them. But there are some other dietary pieces that can help with that too. You can use our Kids Symptom Assessment and Health Coaching to find out exactly what she needs and if there’s anything else that may be contributing to this.

yolanda allin · August 1, 2014 at 4:14 am

My daughter is 8 yrs old. She having problem of overweight. How do shaklee meal shake can help to reduce her weight. Do I need to give her with the shaklee omega guard. Please help.

Farah · September 22, 2014 at 11:44 am

My daughter is a picky eater. After introducing her to Meal Shakes, she started gaining weight and does not constipate anymore.

Sari · February 5, 2016 at 9:39 pm

What shaklee product can help me gain weight

Veronica houston · July 13, 2017 at 5:21 pm

My name is Veronica. I have a 14 month old who had chronic Acid Reflux (GERD) since she was born. She has always struggled gaining weight and refuses to eat any type of solids. We are currently going to therapy for feeding issues. Her hemoglobin is now low because unfortunately all she wants is milk. How often through the day can I give her the shakes and how much? Can I add shake to all her bottles? 4-5 bottles
Also will the shake stimulate her appetite?

Thank you so much! I hope to hear from you soon.

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · July 14, 2017 at 7:38 am

    Hi Veronica, thank you for your question. Yes, you can add some of the powder to her bottles. I would start with a 1-2 tablespoons in each bottle. It would help in giving her more substance. However there is some sugar in these meal shakes so you’ll want to use other things as well. Shaklee also has an Energizing Soy that is not as sweet and is a wonderful supplement too. I would be using both.
    Is she drinking cow’s milk? Too much of that can also cause many other problems down the road.

Teresa · January 17, 2018 at 11:49 pm

Can my baby eat protein at 3 months old?

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · January 18, 2018 at 8:26 am

    Hi Teresa,
    For an infant, if they need to put on some healthy weight, you can certainly supplement your breast feeding. But the Shaklee MealShake may have too much sweetener in them for an infant. Shaklee has other protein sources that are not as sweet, and I have known other moms to make their own formula with them. If you’re interested in that option, I can get you some more info via email as to how they make that. Let me know!

Jeni · July 29, 2020 at 10:01 pm

Looking for a shake to help my 7 year old daughter put on some weight. She’s very a picky eater. She was sick for a few days a lost some weigh due to not eating well. I need help.

    Bonnie | ProvenNutritionForKids · July 30, 2020 at 8:32 am

    Hi Jeni, thanks for reaching out. Yes, this mealshake for kids can be a great option for some extra calories, especially for a picky eater.
    (See the link in the post above)
    And if she was on an antibiotic, it’s important to also be replenishing the good gut bacteria to keep her healthy.
    Let me know if you need further guidance!

Jo · December 7, 2024 at 6:20 pm

Can my 2 yr old boy start drinking the shaklee meal shakes? Maybe even 1/2 scoop servings?

    Bonnie · December 12, 2024 at 8:37 pm

    Yes, that would be totally fine!

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