When Life Doesn’t Make Sense: The King’s Attitude
When life doesn’t make sense, how are we to connect with a God who appears disconnected and unconcerned with our present circumstances?
David was a man who knew all too well the harsh reality of pain and hardship. In fact, for much of his life people were constantly trying to kill him! He lived with this constant threat. Yet through it all his faith remained strong.
Listen to his own words in Psalm 71:1-5:
1 Lord, I have come to you for protection; never let me be defeated! 2 Because you are righteous, help me and rescue me. Listen to me and save me! 3 Be my secure shelter and a strong fortress to protect me; you are my refuge and defense. 4 My God, rescue me from wicked people, from the power of cruel and evil people. 5 Sovereign Lord, I put my hope in you; I have trusted in you since I was young.
This is one of the many places where David calls out to God in times of great need. God is David’s hope, confidence, refuge, rock, fortress, and reliance. When life doesn’t compute, when that sense of purpose is put to the test, David returns to what he knows to be true. He does not interpret truth in light of his circumstances. Rather, he sees his circumstances in light of God’s eternal character. Though God may feel far away, he trusts by faith that God is near and has not forsaken him.
This is how we do not lose heart in tough times. We re-connect with God by reminding ourselves of God’s character – just as David did.