One Incredible Fundraising Journey
Moses found himself in a bind. The people he led out of Egypt were complaining…again.
This time they were craving meat!
As I imagine the scene, Moses’ own sultry question shatters the commotion:
“How on earth am I supposed to provide meat when we’re stranded in this $#&(!@ desert?” (paraphrase of Num 11:13-14).
The people were so angry they threatened to oust God’s point man (11:15b).
Yet God’s response is incredible. He promises not just to provide a meal but enough meat for a month. In fact, they will be given so much meat that it will come out of their nostrils (11:19-20)!
Moses is incredulous. He can’t believe what he hears. “Would there be enough meat if whole flocks and herds and all the fish of the sea were cut up and put on a buffet line?”

To which God gives the famous answer:
“Is the Lord’s arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you” (11:23).
“Is the Lord’s arm too short?”
That question has dogged me for much of 2014.
As the year opened, we were staring down a double-barrel shotgun of two seemingly impossible goals:
Barrel 1: $33,500 in up-front moving costs, to get back to the mission field
Barrel 2: $2,000 in new monthly support.
“I know that you provided for Moses in the past, but can you really provide for our needs now?”
I confess my faith wavered—maybe in the way Moses’ faith wavered at times. I identified with his predicament. The task seemed too great.
A December fundraising event in Ohio brought all of two families and a bag full of an old Jewish woman’s left over pocket change she had been saving. It didn’t add up to more than ten bucks.
“Is your arm too short?”

Sure seemed like it at the time.
But then January rolled around. A $1200 gift game in unexpectedly.
In February a $10,000 gift from Idaho hit the account followed by a $5,000 gift from North Carolina. A family from Virginia made a $500 gift. Another family from Texas became a new monthly supporter at more than $100/month.
“Maybe the Lord’s arm isn’t too short.”
March. Another $5,000 gift hit our Youth For Christ (YFC) account. A family from Pennsylvania contributed $1,000. Yet another family in Kansas increased their monthly commitment from $200/month to $300.
“Can this really be happening? This is crazy!”
A $3,000 gift showed up from California. And then a $2,800 donation from Florida.
“Is this how Moses felt when God brought the meat? He must have been awestruck.”
By the end of May nearly 100% of our upfront costs were covered.
$33,500. Barrel 1, covered.
“But what about monthly support—Barrel 2? Is God’s arm too short to cover that?”
God had brought in another $400 in new monthly support in the first five months of the year, but could he bring in another $1600? And could he do it by August 15? What’s more, could he do it during a time of the year when generating new support is historically very difficult?
“Lord, is your arm too short?”

And then the unthinkable happened. On Thursday, June 5 we were notified that a significant donor agreed to match any new donations up to $27,000.00 from now until August 15.
” “
Words failed. Overnight a goal that had seemed untouchable suddenly became attainable.
God’s arm is not too short. If he wills, he will provide—and by extraordinary measures.
Centuries ago Moses learned that no provision is beyond God’s ability. Regardless of the circumstances, God is capable of doing all that he says he will do.
It is a lesson I, too, am learning in 2014. Not all the money is there yet, but somehow I have an unshakable confidence that come Aug 15, 2014 it will be.
And to think it all started with the incredible faith of an old Jewish woman from Ohio who gave all she had. It was the seed money that got the ball rolling.
Somehow I cannot help but think that God is honoring her faith more than anyone else’s. I praise God for sweet Agnes because through her faith, mine is growing.
1 Comment
Chris · July 4, 2015 at 9:51 am
I was so pleased to read about all God has done for you, your family, the ministry and all those fortunate enough to have you as their leader. He is able! 🙂
You did a nice job on Zach’s story. Thank you. I would appreciate it so much if you could tell me something Zach said and what the teens said about him. No one writes on his FB group anymore and that hurts. I need to know he’s not forgotten. Gob bless. Forever Zach’s Mom