Backyard Salad
Ok, so a “Backyard Salad” may not sound very appetizing–especially if you own a dog. Sorry to create an unpleasant picture for dog owners. However if you have any edible plants in your yard, you can add them to this lovely green salad and make it your own creation.
We created this simple salad the other day with items from our backyard veggie garden. It can be duplicated as is, or you can use whatever items you have on-hand in your own kitchen or garden!
New to Edible Flowers?
If you’re new to edible flowers–I’ve been there–then you can find a wonderful list of colorful eats from They list up to 42 different ones and even include ideas on how to eat them!
Some grocery stores will even sell a variety of edible flowers in their produce section, but you may need to shop around a bit to find them. I was unable to find some recently for a catering job I wanted to do. I was looking specifically for some blooming salvia with the purple flowers. I eventually had to get them from a garden store.
You may realize that you have some edible flowers in your own yard and didn’t even realize it! Afterall, who doesn’t have a few dandelions close by??
Bella’s Kitchen: Making Backyard Salad