Soy Isolate Done Right featured image

Soy Isolate Done Right Part 4: Why Most Soy Companies Fall Silent

When I decided to do this series on soy protein processing methods, calling soy companies and manufacturers became a natural response.  I wanted to see for myself–and to show others–what processing methods other companies were using.  Did soy companies even know where their soy protein was coming from and how it was processed?

For this series I chose to compare only those companies selling a soy isolate powder.  (more…)

Soy Isolate Done Right featured image

Soy Isolate Done Right Part 1: Processing Makes All The Difference

Information about soy protein is all over the internet. However, much of the news out there about soy is often misunderstood.  This series is my best attempt to sift out the fact from the fiction. I will gladly update this series as I learn new information.  

Soy foods today come in numerous forms, and I could do a whole blog series on each one. For this series, I chose to focus on one of the most concentrated forms of protein and one that is most popularly used as a supplement to a healthy diet–the soy isolate protein.

What Is Soy Isolate Protein?
