Desiring the Kingdom: A Critical Book Review

James K. A. Smith, Philosophy Professor at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI

James K. A. Smith, Philosophy Professor at Calvin College in Grand Rapids, MI

The following is a book summary and critical review of James K. A. Smith’s Desiring the Kingdom. I highly recommend the book for anyone in Christian leadership or education. It is a lengthy post, but I believer readers will find it thoughtful and engaging. 


One of the most disconcerting challenges facing the Church in North America is its overall lack of influence on society at large. Anecdotal as well as empirical evidence strongly suggest that the Church is failing to penetrate society. For instance, polling data by George Barna shows little to no distinct difference in beliefs and lifestyle between professing adult Christians and the general public.[1] This raises some interesting questions for Christian educators. Why are so many young adults departing from the religious practices of their youth?[2] Why has the craze about Christian education (i.e. home schooling, private, undergraduate, or graduate) failed to produce the intended outcome of transforming the culture? (more…)

6 golden nuggets for great small group discussions

Small group discussions can be the catalyst for transformational growth in the lives of young people – if they are led well.

Since one of my passions is empowering leaders to pursue their God-given calling with greater effectiveness, I want to pass along six golden nuggets that have consistently met with success.

Whether you’re a volunteer leading a Sunday School class or a more seasoned veteran preparing a team of volunteers for an upcoming retreat, you’re bound to glean something helpful from the following list: (more…)

How Do You Define Success?

You can learn a lot about a guy by the way he defines success. It telegraphs his values, priorities, and entire approach to his work. Consequently, it is important that ministry leaders clearly define what they mean by “success.”

I have long reflected on precisely how to define this elusive concept. I’ll spare you the journey and cut to the end of the matter: I believe success in ministry is…faithfulness. (more…)