bake with shaklee protein

How To Bake With Shaklee Protein

We supplement daily with Shaklee protein for numerous reasons, including added energy, avoidance of mid-day blood sugar drops, their high quality standards, and all the proven health benefits of soy. I have also grown to love the versatility and variety of the Shaklee protein line. They have several different types of protein–some with or without natural sweeteners and flavors. This variety makes them easy to add to your baking recipes or shakes. (more…)

Top ten nutrition remedies for learning challenges

Top Ten Nutrition Remedies For Learning Challenges

An inordinate amount of kids today struggle with learning challenges. ADD, ADHD, and Autism have all been on the rise in the last few decades.  While medication still remains the most common prescription, it comes with a bunch of unwanted side effects and tends to make the problem worse in the long run.

The great news is that nutrition remedies for learning challenges can prove very successful.  And these only come with side benefits!  There are many things you can do at home for your child that can aid their learning this year. Try some or all of the ideas below. (more…)

The Low Birth Weight Force Multiplier

Here you are, a young mom expecting your first baby. You’re excited and eager to meet this little person growing inside of you. You may even be trying to adjust your lifestyle to be a bit healthier than normal. Or you may be puking your guts out, trying to keep any amount of food down. Either way, you’re probably not thinking about low birth weight issues at this point. You’re just trying to make it through the first trimester.

Soy Isolate Done Right featured image

Soy Isolate Done Right Part 4: Why Most Soy Companies Fall Silent

When I decided to do this series on soy protein processing methods, calling soy companies and manufacturers became a natural response.  I wanted to see for myself–and to show others–what processing methods other companies were using.  Did soy companies even know where their soy protein was coming from and how it was processed?

For this series I chose to compare only those companies selling a soy isolate powder.  (more…)

Soy Isolate Done Right featured image

Soy Isolate Done Right Part 3: Soy Protein Processing Steps

In the first post of this soy series, I discussed why the processing of the soy isolate matters. Then I dove into how the soybean is grown. Now I transition to sharing what happens to get the soybean into your protein shake. What are the necessary steps? Why do these steps matter to your health?

Soy Protein Powder Processing Steps

The processing of the soy bean starts at the point of seed all the way to the finished soy protein powder (or isolate). Each step along the way has certain markers of quality.  You will quickly be able to see that the differences matter.

Isolating The Soy Protein

This first step involves separating (more…)

Soy Isolate Done Right featured image

Soy Isolate Done Right Part 2: Is Non-GMO Enough?

In my first post, I talked about why the processing of soy isolate matters to our health. Now I turn my attention to the first step in the processing with how the soybean is grown. The differences in soy isolate protein begin with the growth of the seed.

Soy Bean Growth: GMO, Non-GMO, and IPP

soybean crop growth:gmo,non-gmo,and IPP

Photo Credit: Hernani Larrea via Compfight cc

Soy beans typically fall into one of the following three categories: (more…)

Soy Isolate Done Right featured image

Soy Isolate Done Right Part 1: Processing Makes All The Difference

Information about soy protein is all over the internet. However, much of the news out there about soy is often misunderstood.  This series is my best attempt to sift out the fact from the fiction. I will gladly update this series as I learn new information.  

Soy foods today come in numerous forms, and I could do a whole blog series on each one. For this series, I chose to focus on one of the most concentrated forms of protein and one that is most popularly used as a supplement to a healthy diet–the soy isolate protein.

What Is Soy Isolate Protein?


stress relief and the single product that saved our year

Stress Relief And The Single Product That Saved Our Year


On the positive side, stress can help you accomplish amazing things or meet important deadlines. Leap tall buildings in a single bound…almost.

But too much of it, and we begin to feel overwhelmed…agitated…and frustrated.

We’ve all been on both sides of it.

But what do you do when you feel over-stressed? What is your personal stress-relief program?

This past year for us felt as though someone backed up a truckload of stress and dumped it heavy on our heads. (more…)

Nuclear blast and your child's health

Your Child’s Health, Nuclear Blasts, And B-B Guns

I hope the title of this post gets your attention, because how you approach your child’s health really does matter. And for those families looking to change the direction of your child’s health–this post could make all the difference for you.

How Do You Approach Your Child’s Health?

nuclear blast

Photo Credit: Kilo 66 (Thanks For 2.7 Million Views & Counting) via Compfight cc

So what does your child’s health have to do with a nuclear blast anyway? (more…)

Dos and Donts of Dieting with kids

The Do’s And Don’ts Of Dieting With Kids

With so many children today struggling with their weight, more parents are looking for ways to help them. And that is a wonderful trend.  However, when it comes to dieting with kids, we can enable either success or utter failure depending on how we approach it.

This listing of Do’s And Don’ts will help you lay the foundation for a successful weight loss strategy for your kids. (more…)