
no fear and COVID clear

No Fear and COVID Clear: Five Tips for Helping Children Thrive During Quarantine

It was eerily quiet. 

No music pouring through the huge flat screen TVs. No kids running around parents’ shopping carts. Even the number of patrons was carefully monitored by the masked gatekeepers. All that could be heard was the shuffle of shoes on the concrete isles of Costco. 

Everyone kept their safe six-feet distance, and nobody talked. Except for the guy who checked us out, but even that was through a plexi-glass barrier. Weird. ...

Are Antibiotics for Acne Necessary?

   I totally understand why parents would want to turn to antibiotics for acne. There are a lot of things to like about prescription antibiotics.  They tend to work quickly. They tend to be pretty complete. Your health care plan …

No Bake Chocolate Oat cookies

Recipe: No-Bake Chocolate Oat Cookies

We are big fans of chocolate and oats in our house. This recipe for quick, easy No-Bake Chocolate Oat Cookies is wonderful for a quick after-school snack or even a high-fiber treat in the lunch box. This recipe is also easy for kids to make on their own, without much adult supervision. A big “Win” all the way around! ...

prevent breast cancer

Two Dietary Changes to Help Prevent Breast Cancer

There are two dietary improvements that we can be doing now to help our daughters prevent breast cancer. Breast cancer is affecting so many women today–so many more than 20, 30, or 40 years ago. It’s a really, really sad epidemic that has hit our nation, but there are proven dietary changes that can help our daughters reduce their risk. ...

Slaying the Supplement Myths

Dr. Chaney’s Sequel: Slaying The Supplement Myths

Last week, I did a review of Dr. Steve Chaney’s first book that came out last year: Slaying the Food Myths. If you missed that, I encourage you to go back and check it out. This second book followed soon after. It focuses on the food supplement myths that are being perpetuated by both vitamin companies and individuals on the internet.

Proper nutrition is key to our optimal health, healing and prevention. However, if consumers are confused about what’s beneficial and what’s not, excellent health will be hard to come by.

Slaying the food myths

A Book Every Parent Needs: Slaying The Food Myths

Nutrition today has become so confusing. It’s quite sad and unfortunate that parents have to weed through a forest of conflicting messages today to discover the truth about certain foods and their benefits to a healthy lifestyle. Food myths abound on the internet, where everyone is an expert regardless of their educational background.

The internet has become a world where “click bait” drives the traffic, and the real truths about food and nutrition get left on the wayside. I know people who are avoiding certain foods–like soy protein–that could actually help them because of a myth perpetuated on the internet. On the other hand, I know people indulging in certain foods with unproven health benefits that are actually causing them harm. It makes me angry sometimes.

Crock Pot Ratatouille

Recipe: Crock Pot Ratatouille Your Kids Will Love

The word, “ratatouille”, may conjure up images of the kids’ animated movie, but for me, it brings back delicious memories of French cuisine. We lived in Europe for nine years and got to visit France on numerous occasions. Each visit was an amazing adventure in eating. My favorite eats included the fresh fruit tarts, morning croissants, and of course, the ratatouille.

A ratatouille is a traditional French food that consists of onions, peppers, zucchini and eggplant that are all cooked together with oil and spices.

On one such visit to Paris, my friends and I found this local restaurant near the Notre Dame Cathedral on the island of ile Saint-Louis. I often use Rick Steves and his recommendations for local eateries, so we ...

protecting our kids from food technology

Protecting Your Kids From The Latest Advances in Food Technology

Alas, a new food technology has come on the scene and is awakening the debate about GMO’s. No surprise there.

The newest advance has to do with improvements in global food transport and lengthening the shelf life of produce. Fresh fruits and veggies can now have a longer shelf life due to a special coating that prevents browning. That’s the short version of how the Apeel technology actually works
